Navid Amarlou

A rant on education and science

The capabilities of humanity do not stop here, it is the responsibility of our collective species to push the boundaries of what is possible...

The effects of THC on the body

Despite how heated the issue is, few have turned to look at the effects such a substance has on the body. The information I...

Use of SIMOA and Amyloid

Through the use of amyloid beta testing on cerebrospinal fluid and positron emission tomography, researchers have been able to accurately identify the amyloid pathology...

What is Psychosis?

There is a great deal of misinformation about psychosis. And for those suffering through this,  being confronted with such stereotypes may create a feeling...

Antidepressant effects on neurogenesis

Recent studies have shown that neurogenesis continues into adulthood and that the central nervous system (CNS) has the capability for self repair. The function...

Brain Cells

Given the increasing life expectancy, the elderly population is growing. This makes understanding how the brain reacts to aging all the more important. A...