Kristen Finley

Sometimes the best changes are minor

On April 17, in a sleepy corner of New York, the redesigned and revamped 2020 Subaru Outback was unveiled in front of the crowd...

Animals migrating to the area during spring

The warm and stable weather of springtime brings plentiful regrowth and rebirth in the natural world. Springtime in many corners of the world mean...

With winter out of the way, let’s see what’s blooming for the signs

Aries (Mar. 21 - Apr. 19) This year so far, you’ve been feeling a lot more confident and capable. Something that’s not common practice for...

A comparison of popular ways to inhale marijuana

In recent years, vaporizing cannabis oils (vaping) to get the desired effect from THC has gained traction and quickly converted many of those who...

Cleaning weed smoke out of upholstery

First thing that should be known about smoking weed in your car is that it’s both illegal and not allowed on campus. If you’re...

Marijuana on campus

Question: What do you think about marijuana being legal for recreational use in California, but still illegal federally? Rose McGill: second-year psychology major “I think it’s...