Jessenya Guerra

Otter Be Well

“I love the program! My buddy keeps me accountable and our workouts are challenging yet super fun,” said Shaylea Stark, an Environmental Science Technology...

How to beat the post-Spring Break slump

Do you remember when you were a Senior in High school and people talked about Senioritis? And how in anticipation of graduation people didn’t want to...

How I pissed off my professor

As college students, we are have very strange relationships with our professors. There are some professors that we love and consider our best friends,...

Art workshop with Favianna Rodriguez

On March 8, in honor of International Womxn’s day, activist and artist Favianna Rodriguez led an art workshop for the students of California State...

How to make long-distance relationships suck less

One of the hardest parts about moving away to a university is leaving your friends and family behind. This might be your parents or your best...

International WomXn’s Day

Let me begin by saying that I am not anti-Feminist, and I am not some crazy person who is trying to get rid of International Women’s...